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Games: Madden 2003 <br></br>PCDJ: Rock Producer <br></br>The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring <br></br>Syberia

David Gordon
Saturday 07 December 2002 01:00 GMT

Madden 2003, XBox (EA) £39.99 ***

EA's legendary American football title has undergone its usual annual rejuvenation in Madden 2003. Again, players get to lead their team to NFL glory, collecting rewards and accolades on the way. But as pretty and playable as it is, the paucity of improvements from previous versions make Madden 2003 more of an update than a new game.

PCDJ: Rock Producer, PC-CDrom (Emission) £24.99 ***

Since Daniel Bedingfield hit the charts from his bedroom, wannabe pop stars have been yearning to emulate his success. Their dreams could come true with Emission's PCDJ series, as its simple formula allows users to produce surprisingly good results. It isn't beautiful, but it has enough features to keep musicians of all abilities happy.

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring, Game Boy Advance (Nintendo) £24.99 ****

From novel to movie, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings has been a huge success. The game recounts the first of the books/films in a role-play format, casting players as members of the Fellowship of the Ring. Despite its mediocre graphics, the title's vast gameplay should captivate all gamers.

Syberia, PC-CDrom (Microids) £29.99 **

Syberia is a puzzle-solving game in the same vein as Myst. As the courageous attorney Kate Walker, players are thrust into the midst of a twisted saga, in which she must piece together clues in order to uncover the truth behind Syberia. However, the gorgeous 3D animations and environments are marred by Syberia's slow, tedious gameplay.

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