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Byte-sized news and gossip

Monday 13 May 2002 00:00 BST

We are stumped – any answers? Following last week's review of the TiVo and Sky+ "personal video recorders", Chris Grayson asks: "It occurs to me that while movies will simply be reissued on DVD, many people will want to have their private videotapes (weddings, holidays) transferred to the new medium so they can ditch the VCR without being left with a pile of unplayable tapes. I have not seen any adverts for this service. Is it widely available yet?"

Sky also pointed out that you can set the Sky+ to record every episode of a series (it's the green button, apparently); and that it is the only PVR that lets you record one digital satellite programme while watching another.

You may have heard that IT giants Hewlett-Packard and Compaq are to merge. We've certainly heard – HP has been bombarding us with joyful press releases. According to Carly Fiorina, "The new HP will remain focused on meeting the needs of our expanded global customer base to bring the broadest and best portfolio of products and solutions to the industry." What does that mean?

One of the features of Apple's new Mac OSX operating system is a built-in spellchecker. Hard to tell whether it was turned on or off when it came to writing the blurb for last week's Apple Developer Conference, which promised that Steve Jobs would offer a "sneak peak" at OS X's next dot-version. Perhaps they just thought showing it off to hundreds of people didn't really count as a "peek"? Or that it had finally hit the heights?

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