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<p>Michael Fassbender is making an acting comeback of late</p>
inside film

The rise, fall and (very quiet) return of Michael Fassbender

The Irish actor had a sensational 2010s, with roles in films including ‘Shame’, ‘12 Years a Slave’ and ‘Prometheus’ – then he seemed to vanish. As he returns to acting with a series of under-the-radar projects, Adam White digs into where he’s been

Inside Film

<p>Divisive Dane: Lars von Trier’s work has attracted as many boos and walkouts as it has awards and adulation</p>
Inside Film

Lars von Trier’s Parkinson’s diagnosis spells doom for cinema

As the controversial director behind ‘Antichrist’ is admitted to a care centre for Parkinson’s weeks after the death of David Lynch, Xan Brooks wonders whether this may be the endgame for a certain strain of uncompromising left-field cinema

<p>Robert Altman was the Oscar-winning director of ‘The Long Goodbye’ and ‘Nashville’</p>
Inside Film

The enduring legacy of Robert Altman, ‘pirate king of American film’

The pioneering director behind ‘M*A*S*H*’ and ‘Gosford Park’ would have turned 100 this month. Louis Chilton looks at the life of one of cinema’s true greats – and explains why he deserves far more credit for the film landscape of today






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