Brindle trial sees police tape video
Dramatic video footage of an alleged contract killer was played yesterday to an Old Bailey jury. Before the jury saw the footage, Nigel Sweeney, for the prosecution, described how it showed two armed policemen chasing Michael Boyle as he pursued his target, Tony Brindle.
"Such was the speed, Boyle dropped a spare magazine as he ran," Mr Sweeney said describing the chase after the wounded Tony Brindle.
Boyle, 48 from Dublin, denies attempted murder and possession of two handguns. A fellow defendant, David Roads, 52, of Croydon, also denies the charges.
Brindle had been standing at the driver's door of his Rover in Bermondsey, south London, car when he was shot by Boyle, who was inside a parked van. Boyle is on trial. As the shots rang out and Brindle turned to run, the armed officers emerged from their hiding place in the back of a gas van, counsel said.
"The officers then challenged Boyle, and thought he fired another shot at Brindle, so both fired their rifles at Boyle whoturned towards them.
"Fearing for their lives the police officers continued to fire and carried on as Boyle fell and after he fell to the ground."
But the video revealed that Boyle did not fire his gun as he pursued Tony Brindle. And, that, as Boyle fell to the ground, he dropped his gun.
Mr Sweeney told the jury: "As the officers got out they shouted a warning which you can't hear on the video." He said that the officers now accept that Boyle did not fire as he ran.
"You can see a movement of [Boyle] turning towards them [the police] ... the gun spilled out of his hand as he fell to the ground ...with Boyle running after Brindle at that speed, with a gun, they could be forgiven for thinking the position was what they thought it was, and not what the video in slow motion is showing it to be."
The case continues.
Mr Sweeney said Tony Brindle would not be giving evidence. The case continues.
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