Allies given excuse for Iraq air patrols
THE GULF war allies were given fresh justification for taking military action over the skies of southern Iraq yesterday by a confidential report circulating among United Nations Security Council members, writes Leonard Doyle.
The report by the Secretary- General, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, revealed that all UN officials had been ordered out of the south of Iraq because of the danger to their lives from government-inspired demonstrations.
The result, he said, was that 'the UN will not be in a position to meet the essential humanitarian needs of vulnerable groups,' referring to Shias being harried in the south and Kurds in the north.
Eight UN guards and one UN Children's Fund official have already been withdrawn from Basra. Mr Boutros-Ghali warned that the deteriorating situation could lead to a 'renewed and large-scale' flood of refugees and that 'the population will be placed at serious risk' unless winter food supplies are in place by November.
The US, Britain and France are expected to lean heavily on Mr Boutros-Ghali's report to justify an air blockade of the southern third of Iraqi territory, the legality of which has been questioned by experts on international law. The justification for the action is a vague principle of humanitarian law calling for international action to stop grave violations of human rights.
The US is expected to announce the beginning of regular allied patrols over southern Iraq this week after delays that, in part, reflect Arab concerns that the exclusion zone could lead to the break-up of Iraq.
The British government faces embarrassment over plans to deploy six Tornados in support. Neither the Saudis nor Bahrainis will allow the aircraft on their
Further reports, page 8
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