Personal Finance: Loose Change
THE DAVID Aaron Partnership, a firm of independent financial advisers, has launched a new 28-page guide to independent taxation and financial planning for married couples.
The guide shows how some families could save thousands of pounds by making full use of their tax allowances. Copies of the guide, which normally costs pounds 7, are available free (plus pounds 2 for p&p). Send a cheque, made out to the David Aaron Partnership, to: Shelton House, High Street, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes, MK17 8SD.
NATWEST IS cutting the cost of its personal loans taken out between 22 and 29 May. Rates start at pounds 17.9 per cent APR on sums between pounds 500 and pounds 1,900, falling to 10.9 per cent APR on loans above pounds 10,000. Call 0800 243406 between 8am and 8pm Mon-Fri and 9am to 6pm on Saturdays for details.
WOOLWICH IS offering investors in its new Individual Savings Accounts a special ISAVE card, which allows them to check the value of their unit trust investment or the balance of their ISA cash account at any branch or Woolwich cash machine. Details from any Woolwich branch.
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