Why are they famous: Jennifer Aniston
Main claim
Hair. Rachel. More hair. Actress Jennifer Aniston is known the world over for sporting an inventive portfolio of hair-dos and hair-don'ts, most notably a sleek concoction of severe layers known as the "Rachel". Also known for playing the owner of said barnet, Rachel Green, in Friends. That was about the sum of it, until Brad Pitt popped up, squiring our heroine all over the press. Now Jennifer has come over all Kate Winslet, and it's eyes back to her crowning glory. Currently boasting the "boho look"- a series of twisted, clumping rats' tails straggling over her shoulders - she resembles the worst variety of crusty wigger. That'll be a Newky Brown and some dog biscuits, then.
Early Jennifer Aniston: sub-Dynasty exponent of hairspray, blow-dried locks and curves. Contemporary Jennifer Aniston: tangled hair, muscled neck and skinny thighs. Offspring of a primate and Madonna, with a fleeting nod at Steffi Graf.
Best friends
After going off-Broadway and nowhere fast, our heroine scored with Friends. Once named "the only `friend' with movie potential", she has been eclipsed by Lisa Kudrow, whose comic timing outdoes even Jennifer's arsenal of hand gestures, shrugs and mobile moues.
Girl power
Jennifer, 30, was born in California and raised in New York, where she attended the High School of Performing Arts. Jennifer's father, John Aniston, starred in daytime TV dramas and her godfather was Telly Savalas. Small TV roles were followed by the Rachel gig. She was told by the producers of Friends to lose some weight, and she obediently dropped 30lbs.
Boy power
After our protagonist had dated actor Tate Donovan, Brad Pitt - fresh from post-Gwynnie traumas - entered the picture. Hand-in-hand, stubbled and dreadlocked, the couple merrily travel the world while marriage rumours trail them and change on a daily basis.
Fame prospects
Well, there's the GI Jane crop. The Natalie Imbruglia. And later, the Gloria Hunniford or Raine Spencer to consider. Hair today, hair tomorrow, eh, Jennifer?
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