Twitter exchange between strangers about cheating boyfriend ends in surprising twist

The plot of a romantic comedy or real-life?

Chelsea Ritschel
in New York
Friday 15 December 2017 19:16 GMT

Sometimes strangers on Twitter are the realest friends.

Proving the power of girl code, a twitter exchange between strangers, Jasmine Rios and Rebekah, regarding a potential cheating boyfriend ended with a surprising twist.

Although the two girls did not know each other in person, they had mutually followed one another on Twitter for a while when Jasmine received a message from Rebekah.

Rebekah had seen pictures of Jasmine and her boyfriend on Twitter and thought she recognised him flirting with a girl that was definitely not Jasmine at her school library, so felt the need to reach out.

The message read, “Hey girl, I know we don’t know each other, just been mutuals on Twitter for a little bit. I go to UTSA too. But I recognise who I think is your boyfriend in the library from y’all’s pictures on here and he’s with a girl and he’s being kind of touchy with her, and I really didn’t know if I should message you/how to tell you but I have been full on cheated on before and girl to girl I’d want to know.”

She continued, “I hope this doesn’t cause you a lot of problems I feel really bad but I just thought it’d be wrong to witness it and not say anything, you know? Tell me if you want me to fight him I’ll be here for a while.”

But fortunately, Rebekah was mistaken - the boy in the library did look remarkably like Jasmine’s boyfriend because it was her boyfriend’s identical twin brother and his girlfriend.

Jasmine explained the situation to Rebekah before sharing their entire exchange on Twitter - and people absolutely love it.

Captioning the tweet, “So my boyfriend has an identical twin brother and someone thought my boyfriend was cheating on me but it was really his brother and his girlfriend. Thanks for having my back though girl,” the exchange has been retweeted 44,000 times.

In addition to finding the situation pretty hysterical, many Twitter users are commending Rebekah for her loyalty to a girl she doesn’t know.

Rebekah is the Twitter detective we all need in our lives.

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