THE CULTURAL WEEK TEN THINGS TO DO (instead of queuing to see Monet) 6 - 13 February
Laugh -
for charity at Funny Money, Prince Charles Theatre London W (0870 850989), tonight.
See -
key films by Joseph Beuys. Tate Modern London SE (020 7887 8888), today.
Ask -
Can Tragedy Teach Us To Become Better Citizens? At a debate featuring Marina Warner. RSA, London WC2 (020 745 6868) on Mon.
Catch -
The Kills at Manchester Academy 2 (06 832 ) on Tue.
Stare -
at work by Scottish minimalist Calum Innes, Tate St Ives (0736 796 226), Wed.
Walk -
in Darwin's footsteps. Geology tour of Wenlock Edge, Shropshire (0694 724 536) on Thur.
Toast -
the memory of Sohemian novelist Julian Mclaren-Ross at the LRB Bookshop, London WC (020 7269 9039), Thur.
Enjoy -
Liverpool Philharmonic Tsunami Charity gig (05 20 2895) on Fri.
Hang -
out at RampART alternative fashion week. London E (020 7480 956) from Sat.
Catch -
the Perrier-winning Jackson's Way at Warwick Arts Centre (024 7652 4524) on Sun.
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