Stop the Horror: Pro-euthanasia video of ‘dying man’ is banned from YouTube


Olivia Petter
Thursday 14 September 2017 16:33 BST
(Go Gentle Australia)

A five-minute-long film documenting the death of a 56-year-old man with brain cancer has been released by a pro-euthanasia campaign group.

Greg Sims died in 2005 and right-to-die advocates Go Gentle Australia have created a short video using actors to tell his story, with permission from Sims’ daughter Nia.

Stop the Horror has been deemed “unwatchable” due to its “graphic representations” and warns viewers that it might be “offensive or disturbing.”

Filmmakers are advising people under the age of 18 not to watch the harrowing clip, which shows an unfiltered account of a dying man.

"Stop The Horror is a short, five-minute film dealing with unimaginable pain and despair it has been designed to be virtually unwatchable,” explained a Go Gentle spokesperson on Wednesday.

"The film confronts viewers with a harrowing retelling of the true events surrounding one man's traumatic death.

"The film is so confronting it has a stop button on screen so viewers can bail out whenever they want."

The footage depicts Mr Sims lying in a hospital bed, experiencing convulsions in front of his family and all-too-accurately shows the traumatic effect this has on his family, reports The Age.

The director of the film is an award-winning Australian film-maker, Justin Kurzel, who was responsible for Snowtown, the 2011 flick about serial killers.

Released in the days leading up to the Australian government’s debate surrounding euthanasia, the right-to-die campaigners hope that their shocking video will prompt the legalisation of euthanasia in Victoria, where MPs will soon debate the proposed legislation.

Though the footage has been banned from YouTube, the producers behind Stop the Horror have released a short trailer which they have designed to be shared on Facebook in order to spread awareness of their intentions.

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