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Man shares tour of 100-square-foot apartment and his tips for utilising small spaces

Talk about optimising your space

Meredith Clark
New York
Friday 28 January 2022 13:43 GMT
(TikTok @ronervin)

Comedian and actor Ron Ervin took to TikTok to share his experience of living in a 100-square-foot apartment in New York City.

The video, which has over 3 million views, pans through Ervin’s living space after seeing TikToker Axel Webber’s 95-square-foot studio.

“Here’s what it’s like living in the smallest apartment in New York,” Webber says in the original video. Cut to Ervin: “A challenger has appeared.”

In the video, Ervin takes us through a tour of his Harlem apartment, for which he pays $950 a month, according to the comments.

“If I brought a queen-size mattress into my New York apartment, it would crush me to death,” he says. Then, Ervin shows off a rack to store his clothing. “Oh, you have a closet?” he says. “Like an actual closet to put your clothes in? Okay, Bill Gates!”

Speaking to The Independent, Ron Ervin didn’t expect his TikTok to go viral, but believes it’s because a lot of people living in New York City can relate to his experience.

In the year since Ervin moved to the city, he’s found that his living space works perfectly for him. “I think the biggest reason it really works for me is I don’t have that much stuff,” he told us.

His advice for someone in a similar spot: go vertical. “Go as vertical as possible,” he said. “Hanging things up, hanging things up on the wall, hanging from the ceiling, under the bed.”

There are also certain essentials in Ervin’s apartment that he cannot live without. In the kitchen, which sits in the corner of his apartment, Ervin uses a hot plate and George Foreman grill to cook most of his meals. “I adjusted my diet and myself to work with that,” he said. “I make myself good, hearty, healthy meals every day.”

TikTokers flooded the comments with reactions to Ervin’s apartment. “I’ll stay in Ohio,” said @mitchellbienvenue. Many argued that living in the city isn’t worth downsizing to a smaller space. However, one user was quick to rush to his defense. “I’m so tired of the people who complain about the cost of living in NY,” they said. “Of course it’s expensive. Any large city is expensive, but the opportunities!”

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