BRUCE KENT, former priest and peace campaigner: Not everyone is into Christian baptism, but it's important that there should be welcoming ceremonies for new children. I have been to many ceremonies in which non-Christians have dedicated their children to life. Sometimes we pass a candle round the group as a light of life. It's entirely what couples want to make up for themselves.
LADY ELIZABETH ANSON, party planner: Yes. Baptism is your introduction into the church. If you are an atheist then I think a civil ceremony is better than not being baptised at all. Baptism at birth saves muddles later.
FRANK WARREN, boxing promoter: I am a heathen. None of my five children has been baptised and nor have I. It's up to the individual and they should be old enough to decide what they want, rather than having something forced upon them.
SHEILA KITZINGER, childbirth expert: No, because I'm a Quaker. I think for most people the whole idea of a christening is a ceremony of getting people together for a party and having a cake. But I think that it's a lovely idea to have a welcoming for a baby - a recognition that the baby is a member of society and that we make a commitment to that child's life.
ANNE FAYRER, cake designer: I'm all for the civil ceremony. Most christening cakes we do are fairly unreligious. Some have paintings of Beatrix Potter characters or Winnie the Pooh - we don't do any with storks and cradles any more, all that stuff has gone out.
JULIET RICE, farmer's wife: I am having my daughter christened this summer. I would like her to be a Christian. But I'm not ever going to say she's got to go to church. It will be up to her.
JAMES GREEN, estate agent: Yes. It gives the child's parents an excuse for a good piss-up.
IVOR DEMBINA, comedian: As a Jew I ask, what are these Gentiles complaining about? A few drops of water on their bonce - I had the top of my dick removed!
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