Woman fined £6,000 after being caught breaching self-isolation with Instagram post

22-year-old woman caught after posting photos of herself dining out

Olivia Petter
Monday 26 October 2020 13:44 GMT
(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A 22-year-old woman has been fined £6,600 for breaching self-isolation rules after she was caught doing so by posting pictures on Instagram.

On 12 October, Carys Ann Ingram flew from Manchester to Jersey, which was an amber zone at the time.

Ms Ingram should have self isolated at home in Jersey until she received two negative coronavirus tests, the second of which was supposed to be taken five days after her arrival.

It was later found that Ms Ingram had been contacted by track and trace as she was sat near someone on the flight who had tested positive for coronavirus.

This meant she would need to self-isolate for 14 days.

However, during this time, Ms Ingram visited restaurants and shops during this time, Jersey’s magistrate’s court heard.

Three days after arriving in Jersey, Ingram was caught shopping in St Helier.

She was also seen at First Tower and then at El Tico restaurant in St Oen’s Bay, where she posted pictures on Instagram.

The local authorities made several attempts to contact Ms Ingram at her home address, where she was supposed to be isolating, to no avail.

Ms Ingram, who was visiting family in Jersey, was reached via phone by the contact tracing team and was arrested.

She pleaded guilty to two counts of self-isolation breaches and was fined £6,600.

The news comes after many British towns and cities, including large parts of London, were added to the “red” list for Jersey.

As a result, travellers from the affected regions to the Channel Island will now need to self-isolate for two weeks, rendering many holidays worthless. 

The States of Jersey government is updating its risk classification of locations worldwide for travellers visiting the island. 

From 14 October, all visitors must undergo a Covid-19 test on arrival and self-isolate until the result comes in.

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