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Royal biographer asks why Meghan Markle critics don't spend same energy on Prince Andrew's 'horrendous mess'

Finding Freedom author asks: 'Is there nothing worse than a woman of colour with a voice?'

Chelsea Ritschel
Tuesday 25 August 2020 16:13 BST
Royal biographer says Meghan Markle critics should focus on Prince Andrew (Getty)
Royal biographer says Meghan Markle critics should focus on Prince Andrew (Getty)

Royal biographer Omid Scobie has defended Meghan Markle from criticism while asking why critics don’t direct their “energy” towards Prince Andrew.

Scobie, the co-author of the newly released biography Finding Freedom, which shares insight into the lives of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during their time as working members of the royal family, raised the question over the weekend.

“Would love to occasionally see the tears and energy these morons spend on a non-working royal used on Prince Andrew's horrendous mess,” the journalist tweeted. “Or is there nothing worse than a woman of colour with a voice?”

Scobie was referring to the Duke of York’s decision to step back from royal duties last November following scrutiny over his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, as detailed in his interview with the BBC.

Prince Andrew has also recently been the subject of allegations made by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre.

In regards to Meghan, the royal biographer’s comments come after the duchess made numerous recent appearances urging people to vote in the upcoming US presidential election.

Following an appearance last week at the online event “When All Women Vote,” where she told viewers: “We all know what’s at stake this year” and said that those who don’t vote are “complicit,” Piers Morgan said that the duchess and her husband should be stripped of their royal titles.

“The Queen must strip the Sussexes of their titles,” he wrote on Twitter. “They can’t remain as royals & spout off about foreign elections in such a brazenly partisan way.”

The duchess also announced recently that she would be voting in the election because she knows “what it’s like to feel voiceless”.

“I know what it's like to have a voice, and also what it's like to feel voiceless," the 39-year-old told Marie Claire. “I also know that so many men and women have put their lives on the line for us to be heard.

“And that opportunity, that fundamental right, is in our ability to exercise our right to vote and to make all of our voices heard."

While UK law does not ban royalty from voting, members of the royal family typically do not do so in an effort to remain politically neutral.

In response to Scobie’s tweet, many reiterated Morgan’s belief that the duchess should no longer use her title if she wants to use her platform politically.

“Her title must be removed if she’s going all political,” one person responded. “Can’t have it both ways, and most agree.”

However, others agreed with the author and defended Meghan, who is currently living in California with Prince Harry and their son Archie.

“Thank you Omid. If someone has more energy for Meghan but not enough for Andrew then something is wrong,” another tweeted.

Scobie’s remarks also coincide with Amazon placing a restriction on who can leave reviews for Finding Freedom after the site became inundated with false reviews.

“Amazon has noticed unusual reviewing activity on this product,” the warning reads. “Due to this activity, we have limited this product to verified purchase reviews.”

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