Real people: Why are they famous? Johnny Depp
Main claim
The switched-on chick's thinking Romeo, given to goatees and the delivery of philosophical nuggets. Johnny Depp is both star of arthouse-side-of- Hollywood flicks and cerebral love machine, known for reclusive behaviour and pretty girlfriends. He is now in a spot of bother after having (allegedly) physically threatened a photographer.
Shuffling boho who's read On the Road one too many times. Handsome victim of poltergeist haunting. Junior matador meets Latino waiter with Rimbaud delusions.
Depp belongs to that Brandoesque group of young actors who are fully fledged stars yet decry their status. Having shaken off his DiCaprio- style teen idol status in an external search for cred and respect, our bohemian young hero developed a tendency to choose offbeat roles in films such as Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood. "I'm not `Blockbuster boy'," says Johnny. "I never wanted to be."
Boy power
The angry young Depplet dropped out of school, and played in a band called The Flame. Suddenly, the rebel with a good bone structure found himself in Nightmare on Elm Street. Roles in John Waters's Cry Baby, What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and Donnie Brasco followed.
Love match
Clearly favouring youth, cheekbones and general pulchritude, Johnny has squired Twin Peaks's Sherilyn Fenn and actress Jennifer Grey, enjoyed a three-year engagement to Winona Ryder, and a tormented on-off lurve thang with Kate Moss. Now he lives with the pregnant actress Vanessa Paradis.
Wild child
Johnny's latest outburst is not an unusual occurrence. He had to pay damages after he trashed the presidential suite of the Mark Hotel in Manhattan. He brushed with tragedy when River Phoenix died just outside his LA club, the Viper Room.
Iron Johnny
Recent events have confirmed our man's tendency towards infamy. First there was his dramatic on-off-maybe affair with Kate Moss, which culminated in poor Kate checking into the Priory rehab clinic. "Friends" claimed the Paradis pregnancy had tipped her over the edge. Endless speculation about Depp's relationship with Paradis ensued.
Fame prospects
Next role is with Ryder in Antonioni's Just To Be Together. Then the cool dad lark. There's no stopping those reclusive types - fame just keeps coming. Johnny Depp, superstar.
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