Real Choices: Before the week is out...

Saturday 17 April 1999 23:02 BST

Wear this

For a couple of years, Miss Sixty has been fashion's secret - only available in cult little boutiques up and down the country and, even then, never with a full collection in one place. Now just opened in Neal Street in London's Covent Garden is the entire Miss Sixty collection. The best bits are these net knickers and a floral embroidered mesh dress (the latter wouldn't look out of place on the over-30s among us). But also look out for the cutest T-shirts (sizes 10-14, pounds 18). These look especially good if you intend to show a bit of belly this summer - they have a habit of not quite reaching your waistband. AB

Miss Sixty, 39 Neal Street, London WC2 (tel: 0171 836 3789; tel: 0171 700 6470 for other stockists).

Say this


(n) Person who absorbs the great ideas of others and makes them their own

Try this

This simple contraption could become your best friend. It's a thin piece of elastic with adhesive pads at each end. The idea is that you stick a pad at each temple and the elastic goes around your head, producing an instant face-lift. I can see how one could get addicted to this aide-visage although you would need a Monica Lewinsky type hairdo - big and firm - to avoid it inadvertantly showing in everyday life (although it's perfect for sticking on before you have your photo taken). If you've got to the age when you start tying your hair back into a ponytail for the "surprised" look (rather than to keep it tidy), treat yourself to Mark Traynor's Face and Neck Lift. AB

From Screen Face, pounds 11.50; packs of 12 refill sticky pads, pounds 3.95 (tel: 0171 221 8289 for mail order).

Bury this

The Millennium Time Capsule has nothing to do with time travel - it's a Blue Peter-style toy for adults, consisting of a brass casket, pen, ink and parchment. Fill in your personal details, family tree and message for posterity on a scroll, seal with wax, pop in the tube and bury. Here's one I made earlier. Name: Marge Simpson; Occupation: UN goodwill ambassador; Photo: of Michelle Pfeiffer; Greatest Day: winning an Oscar (thanks, Mum); Worst Day:

posing for Hello! (my marriage broke up); How I See The Future: orange IK

pounds 50, from selected stockists or by mail order (tel: 01531 634 641).

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