Real Choices: Before the week is out...
Wear this
WHO'D HAVE thought that sun-visors would make a comeback? Evidently Diesel, which has brought out a towelling white range (with hot red or yellow visor) to rival Farrah Fawcett's sublime Charlie's Angels collection. They're the kitsch addition to the tennis court, yacht, Mediterranean balcony or festival circuit this summer. Just make sure you get your Seventies flicks right.
pounds 32, Diesel (tel: 0171 833 2255).
Carry this
DARING TO make the first move on an a potential amour takes a lot of courage, especially if you're a shy gay man. But fear not, for the Gaydar is coming to the rescue. This ingenious little device picks up vibes from other Gaydars within the immediate vicinity and vibrates in your pocket to tell you if it's OK to make an approach. So that's the easy part done. Now you just have to think of something to say.
Gaydar, pounds 24.65 (tel: 01737 277 387).
See this
POOR OLD Leo DiCaprio has come in for a bit of flak recently, but it seems the cherubic actor is about to silence all critics with his appearance in the aptly named Celebrity. Leo's portrayal - ironic, we hope - of a shallow actor enjoying a sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle is rumoured to be very, very good indeed, even down to the hotel room- trashing scene. Given that the film co-stars Winona Ryder, Kenneth Branagh, Judy Davis, Hank Azaria and Joe Mantegna, it's safe to assume there was no shortage of advice on how to play the high-maintenance luvvie. Welcome back, Romeo.
'Celebrity' opens on 18 June.
Watch this
NOW THAT the Turner Prize has familiarised us with the wacko experiments of such artists as Damien Hirst, we've become more blase about modern art. Or have we? Channel 4's new six-part series, This Is Modern Art, unveils some pretty bizarre examples of avant-garde 20th century art, such as jazz trumpeter Robert Ryman's Sixties white-on-white canvases and Gilbert & George's "living sculptures" of the kooky duo posing for hours as classical sculptures. Art critic Matthew Collings (above), veteran presenter of Channel 4's Turner Prize programme, takes a fascinating, demystifying look at modern art's myriad strands.
'This Is Modern Art' screens today on Channel 4 at 9pm.
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