A radio presenter gave birth to her son live on air during the morning show
This is the radio show's second live birth

A radio host gave birth live on air so she could share the intimate moment with her listeners - who have been part of her pregnancy journey from the beginning.
Cassiday Proctor, the co-host of radio show “Spencer’s Neighbourhood” on 106.5 The Arch, in St Louis, Missouri went into labour two weeks early while working on the show.
But despite the baby being breech and requiring a Caesarean section, Cassiday was adamant that her listeners wouldn’t miss a minute of her son’s birth.
After gaining permission from the hospital, she asked a hospital employee to hold up a phone so her listeners could hear her and her husband welcome their baby son into the world, during the morning radio show.
“There he is!” Proctor’s husband, Jerry, can be heard exclaiming on air, as newborn Jameson is born.
Speaking about the experience after, Cassiday told KSDK that she was on “cloud nine.”
When asked whether she was nervous about broadcasting her son’s birth on air, she answered “the only part I was nervous about was bringing a child into the world."
“The part about putting it on the radio, I do that every day,” the new mum said.
As for baby Jameson’s name - it turns out that was chosen with the help of listeners as well.
According to Cassiday, of the 400 name suggestions her and her husband received, some were great, but others like “Fredbird” and “StanTheMan” were a definite no.
And of her choice to share the moment with her listeners, Cassiday told KSDK: “To know that they were there for the ride was pretty special.”
Cassiday's co-host Spencer Graves agreed. He told The Independent: "Cassiday took everybody on this journey so ultimately the birth is the payoff.
"They heard the ups and the downs and this week was the culmination of this all," Graves said.
Baby Jameson was born weighing 7lb 6oz and will likely be a natural on the radio when he grows up - as his cries after he was born showed off an impressive audio range.
However, Jameson may have some competition when he grows up - as this isn't the show's first live birth.
According to Graves, a previous co-host's wife also gave birth to their baby on air. And while "Spencer's Neighbourhood" may not be the only radio show to feature a live birth, Graves told The Independent they are "definitely the only radio to do it twice."
The Independent has reached out to Cassiday.
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