pounds 15,000 to be won for your Christmas shopping spree

Saturday 04 December 1999 00:02 GMT

The Independent and Independent on Sunday have teamed up with Royal Mail to give away pounds 15,000 to spend from the comfort of your own home. One lucky winner will receive a prize of pounds 10,000, with two runners- up receiving pounds 2,500 each.

If you don't live near your favourite shop or high street, then home shopping can bring the world's favourite high street to you.


For your chance to win simply collect 7 tokens from the 14 printed between now and Friday 10 December 1999. Send your tokens along with the entry form below to: Independent Cash Prize Draw, P.O. Box 7293, London E14 5DQ. The closing date for entries is Friday 17 December 1999.

The first complete entry drawn at random after the closing date will receive a pounds 10,000 cheque. The next two complete entries drawn at random will each receive a cheque for pounds 2,500. Royal Mail will also give each winner a copy of the new guide `The catalogue of catalogues' and the Direct Marketing Association's brochure, `Buying from Home'.

Shopping from home is fun and easy and you often get additional benefits such as free delivery, special offers and gift wrapping ... what a great stress free option for all your Christmas buying.



If you do not wish to receive other information on home shopping from the Royal Mail or information from Independent Newspapers (UK) please tick the box.

Terms and Conditions: This competition is open to UK residents aged 18 or over. Employees of Independent Newspapers (UK), the Royal Mail, their agents and members of their families are not eligible to participate 2. All entries must be legible, written in ink or ballpoint pen and on the official entry form. They must be clearly marked with the entrant's name, full address and telephone number. Any illegible, mutilated or altered entries will be disqualified 3. Entries must be delivered to the address given in the `How to enter' section and must bear the correct postage. They are invalid if they arrive later than the first post on Friday 17 December 4. All entries must include 7 tokens from The Independent and Independent on Sunday 5. Proof of posting does not constitute proof of delivery and no responsibility will be accepted for lost, damaged, illegible, delayed or mislaid entries 6. The first complete entry drawn at random after the closing date of Friday 17 December will win a cheque for pounds 10,000. The next two complete entries drawn at random will each receive a cheque for pounds 2,500 7. There are no alternative prizes 8. Independent Newspapers will not be liable for any circumstances beyond its reasonable control that prevent a prize being taken up by the winners 9. Normal Independent Newspaper rules apply 10. No purchase necessary. Missing tokens can be obtained by sending a stamped self addressed envelope to Royal Mail Competition, The Independent, Marketing 17th Floor, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL. 11. No correspondence will be entered into 12. The Editor's decision is final.

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