Opinions: Do you drop litter?
SAM STEWART, builder: I'm afraid I do. I usually drop cigarette boxes, I try to kick them under cars. I think the fine was far too much, it should have been pounds 50 or something like that.
CYNTHIA PAYNE, former madam: I think I might be tempted to throw a crisp packet on the street if there was no bin around. I used to drop litter until I was about 25, but you become more responsible when you get older. A boy of 20 isn't bothered though, he's thinking about sex all the time.
DAVID KESTER, special events manager, Friends of the Earth: I'm one of those horrible people who goes up to people who drop litter and says 'That's really anti-social.' Their reaction is usually communicated in hand signals.
KELLY LINDEN, age nine: I try not to, but I get bored holding it in my hands, so I sometimes drop sweetpapers in the road. There aren't enough wastepaper bins.
BOB REYNOLDS, road sweeper: I never do because I know that someone like me will have to pick it up. Some people are really disgusting, I've had to clear up dirty nappies - that was horrible. I just hope that man's fine will be a deterrent, and people will stop throwing all their rubbish on to the streets, but I can't imagine that ever happening.
RAPHAEL ROWE, prisoner: No, I don't, but there are plenty in here who do. Prisons are very dirty places. I clean my cell every day, I think it is important for your own self-respect. It's easier to keep clean now that we have a toilet and sink in our cells. I pick on other prisoners' bad habits, like never emptying ashtrays. It's disgusting.
STEVE WHITE, guitarist: I hate people who drop litter. I drop the odd bus ticket or tissue that gets washed away - you always feel guilty and try and sneak it out of your pocket when your friends aren't looking. There are double standards - dogs aren't allowed to foul the streets, and it should apply to two-legged animals as well. Some people seem to think there is a 6ft amnesty around litter bins, if it's within that, or in the vicinity, then - as far as they are concerned - it's in the bin.
FIONA BATEMAN, solicitor: No, I do not drop rubbish. It sickens me when I see the amount of litter on the streets. But I do think the fine was a bit excessive. I've already taught my two-year-old daughter to use wastepaper bins, or to keep the rubbish and use the bin at home.
RICHARD LEWIS, Bishop of Taunton: I have very strict standards about litter and take a pretty strong line with my children. The car is full of bits we've taken home with us when there hasn't been a bin. I was very conscious of a different regime in Germany: there, people look after the patch outside their house, which stretches the sense of responsibility. I can't say I would remonstrate with someone who'd dropped litter, but I might well pick it up and put it in the bin.
TERRY SETCH, artist: In my work I use rubbish or anything I find on the beach related to human beings. People leave anything, you name it, you can find it: I found a sack full of dead rabbits once. Personally, I try to bring back everything I take with me.
HONEYSUCKLE WEEKS, actress, age 13: I throw apple cores and banana skins, but not paper. I chucked something out of a car window when I was little and got very told off. I'm afraid some of my friends chuck things, I have called them 'litterbug' sometimes - I think people feel embarrassed when they are caught.
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