Older women reveal what worries them most about millennials

Porn, social media and feminism were all flagged up 

Kashmira Gander
Tuesday 02 May 2017 16:43 BST

From social media to the availability of hardcore porn online, older women have revealed the issues that they see with the younger generation of women.

Women were invited to share the problems that younger women should be wary of in a post on the Ask Women section of Reddit.

The top comment came from a woman who flagged how she believes the way that porn has changed expectations towards relationships is “horrifying”. She said that her generation was the last that didn’t have access to internet porn growing up.

“They accept that boys will pretty much demand all sorts of sexual activities they don't like, or are frankly humiliating. They also objectify themselves even more than teen girls did when I was that age. They're hyperconcerned about the shape of their labia, about the size and look of their genitals in general because there's so much shaming. They feel obligated to shave because boys their own age have said that their public hair is 'gross'.

"I know some girls fight back, or don't care, but it really affects so many of them deeply.”

Another user, however, argued that porn isn’t the issue but rather that porn is “often the only source they [young people] have on what a sexual relationship looks like”.

Social media was another topic that was discussed on the thread.

"As an 'old' millenial, I am occasionally baffled by my younger friends' attitudes toward relationship maintenance," wrote one woman. "Social media and online interaction is considered totally valid quality time with friends."

"Between that and FOMO, many of my younger friends don't seem to build the same kind of friendships that I grew up basically expecting as a normal part of life, and are amazed at my 20+ year friendship with my bestie from high school."

Feminism was also dissected by women raised in the forum, who accused the younger generation of not knowing about the most important thinkers behind the movement.

“I find that many don't understand feminism,” wrote one woman. “They make no effort to understand the history, the whys and how's of feminism. You need to understand the Betty Friedan as well as the Gloria Steinem school of thought.

“Nowadays, I feel it's just being misused as an excuse for disrespectful behaviour and hypocrisy- not by everyone but some.”

Others disagreed with this standpoint. “That feels like some serious gate keeping," responded one user, adding: "It smacks of, 'people who disagree with me aren't really feminists'.”

Another wrote that she feels sorry for millennials as they find it more difficult to launch a career and “traditional ‘adult life’.”

“It's not the millennial generation's fault that the price of tuition, housing, and health insurance skyrocketed by the time they came of age, and jobs that pay a living wage are disappearing.

“Blame the baby boomer government and economic policies for that one, but it means that millennials seem to be having a harder time finding a living wage, moving out of their parents houses, and being independent.”

One user, however, took the chance to flag how she simply felt proud of younger women.

“I think younger women are f****** awesome, in general. I think they have to deal with far more economic struggles than my generation (Xers), which I have a lot of empathy for.

“I particularly love how vocal they are about feminism, LGBTQ issues (like, srsly, why were we not talking about transgender people in the 90's [sic].”

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