My Post Baby Body: The inspirational blog helping women own their post-partum bodies

'Our bodies should be celebrated stretch marks and all'

Sarah Jones
Tuesday 07 November 2017 15:26 GMT
(Instagram: mypostbabybody_
(Instagram: mypostbabybody_

It seems barely a week goes by without a celebrity flaunting how their post-baby body has miraculously bounced back into shape with almost no signs of recently giving birth.

But for real world mothers, losing weight is rarely top priority given the fact they're busy keeping a new, wriggling, screaming infant alive and well.

It was exactly this unrealistic portrayal of women’s post-partum physiques that spurred teacher Whitney Dwyer to create My Post Baby Body – an inspirational blog dedicated to “embracing and honouring how amazing we are as women and mothers.”

After having two children in a short time frame, Dwyer felt inspired to create a safe space for mothers when she couldn’t find images of women going through the same thing she was with her post-partum body.

Left with a protruding stomach due to diastasis recti – a condition that causes two muscles that run down the middle of your stomach to separate during pregnancy – Dwyer was often asked if she was pregnant leaving her feeling frustrated and ashamed.

A sentiment which was only fuelled when all she could find online were “workout tips, dieting tips, and all these things that women are expected to do with their bodies.”

As such, Dwyer set up her blog to help women reclaim their bodies by sharing their stories in a bid to help others feel less isolated.

One mother who shared her “getting ready” pictures on the site explained that after having four children, she’s finally able to embrace her life, body and mind for what it is, a beautiful thing.

“This is why I joined the My Post Baby Body because I believe in self-love and motivation,” said Minnie.

“Being a mother is a beautiful thing, and our bodies should be celebrated stretch marks and all.”

Another mother, Jamina, agreed explaining that it’s vital girls and women are exposed to real images of post-baby bodies.

“We are manipulated and brainwashed on a daily basis to think we are not good enough,” she said.

“Images are flashed before us that we cannot relate to. We are left alienated in our mind. The My Post Baby Body project strips away a robotic image of a woman and makes us proud to be mothers.”

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