Couples offered £200 to make safe sex porn to encourage students to use condoms
Organisers say they want to eroticise safe sex

A sexual health organisation is offering to pay couples £200 to have sex on camera.
The Pleasure Project wants to film three couples having protected sex in natural settings like a student house or car while using a condom.
The filming will take around three hours, and the videos will only be viewable by a small test group through a private link - no-one else will have access to the footage.
Organisers say they want to make safe sex erotic, by creating videos of people having protected sex in "naturalistic" scenarios.
Campaign spokesman Suzanne Noble told The Tab: “The project we are working on is a pilot for a UK university to trial the most effective methods to ensure young people use condoms.
"The research we have done to date indicates that young people would prefer to view stylish, yet naturalistic scenarios in which couples are seen having sex while using condoms.
"So, for instance, we may film a couple having sex in a bedroom that looks like a student house or in a car."
Those interested in taking part are asked to get in touch with the organisation.
They will have to provide details of their relationship - including whether they usually use condoms - and their availability.
The filming will take place in London in November.
The Pleasure Project describes itself as "an educational, advocacy and research initiative that promotes safer sex that feels good".
"Most safer sex and HIV prevention programmes are negative and disease-focused," their website states.
"The Pleasure Project is different: we take a positive, liberating and sexy approach to safer sex. Think of it as sex education ... with the emphasis on 'sex'."
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