Tell-tale signs that your partner is cheating: From paranoia, guarding their phone and disinterest in sex

How can you know for sure?

Sarah Jones
Tuesday 28 February 2017 12:32 GMT
Would they be so unhappy if they'd just had better sex education?
Would they be so unhappy if they'd just had better sex education? (Getty istock)

You might have suspected it for days, maybe even weeks, but how can you tell for sure whether your partner is cheating?

Deceitful spouses might think that they’re being sly but most of them unknowingly show hints of their infidelity; you just need to know what to look for.

Minus strapping them to a lie detector, paying attention to potential signs of cheating could help you determine whether or not someone is being unfaithful.

Taking to Reddit in their droves, people who have been cheated have shared the top red flags to look out for when you suspect that something is wrong.

One of the most common signs that people identified was their partner being overly secretive with their phone.

“When she'd ask me to see my phone – ‘sure no prob, but let me see your phone then’, ‘NOOOO’ *throws tantrum*.” one person said.

Lying or being guarded about their whereabouts was flagged up too.

“Six times in my life, a SO has lied about where they were,” another user added.

“Five times, they were cheating. The other time, they were picking out a Valentine's gift for me.”

Another tell-tale sign that numerous people agreed upon was your partner reflecting their dishonesty upon you.

“Every relationship I had that ended because I found out they were cheating had one common denominator: they frequently accused me of cheating.”

Others shared similar experiences adding, “last time I was cheated on, she had started going through my phone and interrogating me about any girls I talked to.”

According to these users, if your partner accuses you of being crazy then that’s probably a good indicator too.

“He called me crazy whenever I pointed out that his behaviour was suspect. As long as he could keep me doubting myself, he felt like I was less likely to be caught.”

For the most part, it seems that a general change in behaviour is the key thing to look out for, especially when it comes to acting distant or suddenly loosing interest in physical intimacy.

“I could tell he was growing increasingly distant,” someone said.

While another added, “we used to have sex every night, if not multiple times a day. Then suddenly she didn't want any and would push me away subtly if I gave her anything more than a peck kiss.

“I think that's what hurt the most, being suddenly rejected by the person who used to desire you more than anything.”

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