Last week was ...

Monday 03 February 1997 00:02 GMT

A Good Week for twaite shad, water vole, basking shark, giant goby, Couch's goby, pool frog, fan mussel, fiery clearwing moth, marine hydroid, southern damselfly, Fisher's estuarine moth, stag beetle, allis shad, marsh fritillary, large copper butterfly, pearl mussel Deptford pink, dwarf spike rush, bluebell, cutgrass, south stack fleawort, long leaved anomodon, long leaved threadmoss, flamingo moss, polar feather- moss, alpine sulphur-tresses, goblin lights, convoluted cladonia, New Forest beech-lichen, sandy stilt puffball, royal bolete, oak polybore and hedgehog fungus, all of which have been placed on the list of protected species of animals and plants.

A Bad Week for the vipers bugloss moth, which is to have its protection removed.

An Expensive Week for art as the world's smallest Rembrandt, a portrait 41/4 in by 21/2 in was sold for $2.9m by Sotheby's in New York, making it probably the most expensive painting, per square inch, ever sold.

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