Wedlock, Wenger and wrong turnings

Bonjour mes amis! It's been a busy week for you Londoners. Here's Kronenbourg 1664's round up of the stand out watercooler moments from the last seven days. A bientôt!

Friday 14 July 2017 17:38 BST
(Getty Images)

Class act

(Alamy (Alamy)

Enfin, the great Frenchman has spoken! After that FA Cup triumph, Alsace-born Arsène Wenger has announced he will remain at Arsenal after all. Many Gunners fans are displeased by this after their side’s lowly league finish. But just remember: form is temporary, but class is permanent. Remind you of anything else from Alsace?

The big cheese

(Rex Features
(Rex Features (Rex Features)

Felicitations to Chris Anderson, who won his 20th title for chasing a wheel of cheese down a steep Gloucestershire hill. Yet the daredevil du fromage will not touch his prize, a giant Double Gloucester, as he eats only cheddar. Next year he should try rolling camembert: it’s just the right shape and he’ll love the taste of it – especially if accompanied by a glass of Kronenbourg 1664.

Wrong direction

(Getty Images
(Getty Images (Getty Images)

Zut alors, what is technology doing to our minds? Research says that le sat-nav is turning Brits into zombie motorists who can barely find their way home without one. Pas du problem, of course, when you leave the car behind and stroll to the local for a pint.

Royal pardon

Mon dieu, that Gordon Ramsay goes too far. The F Word star jokes that, after giving him his OBE, the Queen dismissed him with one of his beloved profanities. Any more lèse-majesté, and chef will be working in the kitchens at le Tower!

Till telegram us do part

(Alamy (Alamy)

Marriage is hard enough, mes amis, without having the potential to last 100 years. Now an Oxford academic says that extra strain will fall on wedlock as life expectancy rises to 120-plus. Of course, some things are made to last: Alsace and a taste suprême have been a marriage made in heaven since 1664.

For more than 350 years Kronenbourg 1664 has been crafting the taste suprême. For more information go to

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