This weekend the Ginseng Festival comes to a close in South Korea; the first Hacking 4 Health event takes place on September 11 and September 17-19 Stand Up 2010 asks you to 'Make Noise'.
Geumsan Insam (Ginseng) Festival
September 3-12
Geumsan, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea?
The Ginseng Festival celebrates its 29th annual event devoted to the medicinal herb and its health benefits. This year's program boasts traditional therapy demos, a ginseng cooking contest, a marathon, singing contest, a ginseng herb quiz, ginseng t-shirt painting, plus participants can get their hands dirty digging up ginseng and picking seeds.
Hacking 4 Health
September 11
Palo Alto, California, USA
The first Hacking 4 Health event, also referred to as a Hackathon, promotes innovation for new apps and tools with government-shared health data. Ideas are already flowing for how to "mash-up the health data" and create apps that help users find health food in their area, track hospital mortality rates, heart disease and links to environment.
Make Noise for the MDGs
September 17-19
The world's leaders will be attending the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Review Summit at the United Nations in New York City and Stand Up 2010 is asking you to make noise, united with others and shout out: "We will no longer stay seated or silent in the face of poverty and the broken promises to end it!" You can "add your voice, sound or music to [Stand Up's] SoundCloud audio group" at:
September 20 @11am EDT
New York, NY, USA and
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and TED co-host a live event that will be streaming online for free to discuss ten years of progress of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the future of global public health. The 90-minute webcast will air on
World Response Conference on Global Outbreak H1N1+H5N1
September 23-24
Delhi, India
World Response Conference on Global Outbreak is described as the first practical conference to highlight the first real-time test on global and domestic preparedness in the aspect of prevention, protection, response, and recovery. The future of public health security will be discussed with academics, industry, governments and military to better manage global health pandemics. Registration fees range from $350-998 (€273-778).
Inner IDEA
September 23-26
Palm Springs, California, USA
Inner IDEA celebrates its fifth annual event centered on mind, body and spirit wellness. The international professional event is designed for health and fitness professionals with sessions based on integrative health and wellness including 100+ interactive sessions on Pilates, yoga, nia, gyrokinesis, integrated movement, meditation, nutrition and the wellness marketplace. Ticket pricing varies from $495-675 (€371-538), to register and learn more, go to:
World Heart Day
September 26
Celebrate your heart's health with local and workplace events (health checks, organized walks, runs and fitness sessions, public talks, stage shows, scientific forums, exhibitions, concerts, carnivals and sports tournaments) taking place in 100 countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) "cardiovascular diseases are the world's largest killers, claiming 17.1 million lives a year."
The 16th International Charles Heidelberger Symposium on Cancer Research (16ICHSCR)
September 26-28, 2010
Coimbra, Portugal
The Symposia bring together 150 of the world's leading cancer researchers worldwide to discuss their latest advances in cancer research and clinical applications.
Livestrong Day
October 2
In acknowledgement of the day (Oct 2, 1996) celebrity athlete and cancer survivor/advocate Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. Armstrong asks the world to come together to support the "28 million people living with cancer" and "renew our fight for a world without cancer - one community, one event and one conversation at a time." Presently there are 171 events scheduled in 24 nations. See what is happening near you or start your own:
World Mental Health Day
October 10
The World Health Organization (WHO) and mental health advocates globally encourage greater awareness about mental, neurological and behavioral disorders, their prevention and therapies. Hundreds of millions of people suffer from depression and other disorders that lead to "social isolation, poor quality of life and higher death rates."
World Sight Day
October 14
Over "670 million people" worldwide are blind or vision impaired due to lack of "access to eye exams and glasses" according to Optometry Giving Sight, an organization that supports The World Sight Day Challenge. The annual day devoted to sight awareness is focused this year on "Vision 2020: The Right to Sight," a global effort to prevent blindness created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness.
Global Handwashing Day 2010
October 15
This year's event focuses on educating children to promote handwashing in 80 nations worldwide since "poor hygiene and lack of access to sanitation together contribute to about 88% of deaths from diarrheal diseases, accounting for 1.5 million diarrhea-related under-five deaths each year."
Men's Health World Congress 2010
October 28-30
Acropolis Palais des Congres et des Expositions, Nice, France
The 7th annual multidisciplinary scientific congress for health professionals is devoted to advancing men's health with a focus on therapies, tools and new research in urology, cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, sexual medicine, mental health, primary care, public policy, education and aging. Registration ranges from €250-600.
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