Adults reveal the ‘parenting trends’ that they disagree with most

‘I see so many Facebook moms handing out WAY too much info’

Amber Raiken
New York
Thursday 03 March 2022 16:32 GMT
(Getty Images)

From parents to teachers, many people have spoken candidly about what they think the worst parenting “trend” is, when it comes to how children are raised.

The topic was raised on the Reddit community, “Ask Reddit,” where user @u/Sam_21000 wrote: “What parenting ‘trend’ [do] you strongly disagree with?”

In response to the question, which has been upvoted over 40,400 times, thousands of people have criticised parents for how they raise their children, with one example being how they’re disciplined.

“My wife and I are basically neighbourhood pariahs because we allow our children to ride their bikes around our quiet, low crime suburban town,” one user wrote. “I’ve had a parent flat out tell me he won’t allow his son to come over without him because I might do something crazy like let them shoot hoops on the basketball net out front without standing there watching them.”

In regards to being overprotective, one mother noted how important it was to teach her son to “just be nice” and “not pushy.”

“He and his little sister would fight to get in line first to kiss Daddy bye at the door,” the parent wrote about her child. “Once when he started pushing her, we made him wait... so he ran off to his room crying.

“When he came out, my husband asked ‘Did you learn anything?’ He sniffled and said yes. ‘What did you learn?’ my husband prodded. Boy wiped his nose and said, ‘I don’t know, but I learned a lot,’” the post continued.

Many teachers chimed in with their responses, noting parents shouldn’t be signing their kids up for too many activities throughout the week.

“Over scheduling activities,” one said. “When I was teaching, I remember my kindergartners telling me they had no time to play because every day consisted of non-stop structured sports, dance and such.”

“Play doesn’t mean play date,” one wrote. Play doesn’t have to mean organised sport. Your child doesn’t need to have scheduled activities 4-6 times a week. Knock that s*** off!

The question also prompted a response about social media and how parents often share content of their kids on there. According to many Reddit users, not everything about a child should be posted online

“Oversharing stuff about your kids on social media,” a user wrote. “A picture of little Johnny’s poop in the potty is not cute, it’s disgusting. You wouldn’t post a picture of your own faeces in the toilet, doesn’t make any difference coming from a 2 year old.”

“I see so many Facebook moms handing out WAY too much info about their young children,” another added. “Like when and where they go to school, the doctors, their names and birthdays and addresses, tagging their daycares at the times they’re there ect. Is it only me that thinks this is playing with fire?”

When it comes to parenting, many people noted acknowledged have every parent has their own rules and strategies. However, one Reddit user emphasised how creating a balance between “boundaries” and “rules” could make a difference.

“I kind of see a trend in parents going full helicopter or full oblivious/no boundaries,” one wrote.“It is all about finding the correct amount of middle ground so a kid can learn about what they can and cannot do while also being respectful and kind to others.”

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