Kelly Osbourne's thinspiration may help you get healthier

Friday 10 September 2010 00:00 BST

Kelly Osbourne, the daughter of rock star Ozzy Ozbourne, explained her new svelte physique was all about getting back to the basics: eating well, working out and self-esteem, according to the blog FitSugar. Here are some tips à la Osbourne picked up on by health blogs (SocialWorkout, FitSugar, RealAge) from September 7, posting tips that might help you make healthier lifestyle changes.

- Make healthy choices: whole, natural foods, avoid processed carbs, refined sugars.
- Skip the fad diets.
- Forget the abstaining from food after 7pm rule, Osbourne recommends a bedtime snack to boost metabolism.

Work out
- Keep a regular routine.
- Osbourne credits Pilates and the Bar Method.

- Accept yourself and your flaws.
- Try not to sweat the small stuff and obsess on calories.

Other habits that can promote greater well-being
- Power down, de-stress with a book, friends (in person).
- Sleep well and get enough rest.
- Connect with your partner and pets.
- Remember to breathe.

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