Rogue plastic surgery clinics to be named

Sophie Goodchild,Home Affairs Correspondent
Sunday 18 September 2005 00:00 BST

The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) will warn at its annual conference on Thursday that risky treatments such as breast reduction and even Botox injections are being "trivialised" by cowboy businesses eager to cash in on the plastic surgery boom.

They will disclose the names of those who offer loyalty cards and discount vouchers to encourage men and women to undergo costly and often unnecessary treatment. Nose reshaping, breast enlargement and fat reductions are becoming increasingly common with experts predicting a clinic on every high street by the end of the decade.

But Adam Searle, the BAAPS president, said the industry needed to "cool down". "We are increasingly concerned that frantic commercialisation... is pulling surgical practice and medical decision-making into a marketplace frenzy," said Mr Searle, a consultant plastic surgeon.

"We are concerned that a lot of people, especially young girls, are responding to peer pressure."

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