The NHS fraud squad is investigating a website that sells fake doctors' sick notes for £25 each.
The documents are almost identical to a genuine letter from a GP or hospital, and are printed with real doctors' names and feature notes that are stamped and signed.
The notes contain an illness of the buyer's choice, the number of sick days required and the medical facility they are supposedly attending. The site,, says it can deliver the fake certificates within 48 hours.
A spokesman for the NHS fraud squad warned that anyone caught using fake doctors' notes is open to prosecution. He said: "Selling sick notes is not illegal so a person could type one up and sell it without being prosecuted. It only becomes illegal when you receive a payment or advantage, for instance paid time off work, because of its use."
The website also sells false medical certificates, school notes, solicitors' letters and documents for holiday insurance claims.
A disclaimer on the website says that the documents should be used only for novelty purposes and the customer accepts full responsibility for their actions.
But there is also a satisfied customer section with comments revealing how the documents have helped buyers take days off sick and have extra holidays each year.
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