Celebrity psychiatrist plagiarised scholars' work

Thursday 19 June 2008 17:39 BST
Celebrity psychiatrist Raj Persaud admitted passing off other scholars' work as his own
Celebrity psychiatrist Raj Persaud admitted passing off other scholars' work as his own

Celebrity psychiatrist Raj Persaud was dishonest and brought his profession into disrepute by plagiarising scholars' work, the General Medical Council said today.

The doctor, famed for his appearances on the television chat show This Morning and on BBC Radio 4's All In The Mind, admitted passing off other scholars' work as his own for a book and several articles he wrote.

He denied that his actions were dishonest and were liable to bring his profession into disrepute.

Dr Anthony Morgan, chair of the General Medical Council (GMC) Fitness to Practise panel in Manchester, said: "You are an eminent psychiatrist with a distinguished academic record who has combined a clinical career as a consultant psychiatrist with work in the media and journalism.

"The panel is of the view that you must have known that your actions in allowing the work of others to be seen as though it was your own would be considered dishonest by ordinary people.

"The panel has therefore determined that your actions were dishonest in accordance with the accepted definition of dishonesty in these proceedings."

He added: "The panel has determined that your actions, in plagiarising the work of others, were liable to bring the profession into disrepute."

Dr Persaud admitted plagiarising four research papers for his 2003 book From The Edge of The Couch.

He also admitted copying the work of two foreign academics for five articles he wrote for publications including the British Medical Journal and The Independent.

He claimed he was in a confused mental state at the time because of the pressure of juggling his NHS and media work.

The GMC will decide tomorrow what, if any, sanctions Dr Persaud faces.

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