'Ponder that this Valentine’s Day': Medical expert says 750,000 Tinder users have pubic lice

Estimates put the prevalence rate of pubic lice infestation in adults at around 1-2%

Saturday 13 February 2016 18:13 GMT
"Ponder that this Valentine’s Day,” says Dr Cameron Webb.
"Ponder that this Valentine’s Day,” says Dr Cameron Webb. (Commons)

With Valentine’s Day approaching, it’s probably best to reconsider using Tinder – or any other dating apps – to fill the void.

According to Dr Cameron Webb, a scientist at the University of Sydney's department of medical entomology, across the world there are 750,000 Tinder users that have pubic lice. Lobsters may be an aphrodisiac, but crabs certainly aren’t.

“Estimates put the prevalence rate of pubic lice infestation in adults at around 1-2 per cent. Rates can be a little higher in older individuals, especially men and men who have sex with men,” he wrote in The Conversation. “That means about 750,000 people who use Tinder have crabs. Ponder that this Valentine’s Day.”

“It may be true that complete hair removal will prevent pubic lice setting up home, but are all those currently sexually active bare down there? Not likely. Pubic lice have been with us for thousands of years and they’ll be with us for thousands more.”

Pubic lice live for around a month, but a female louse can lay around 30 eggs during that time, meaning they can survive for much longer.

Dr Webb added: “Treatment is relatively straightforward. Insecticide creams are available and so long as insecticide resistance is kept at bay, should stop infestations. Remove your hair down there and pubic lice will disappear too (but keep in mind the public health considerations of pubic hair removal).”

“Pubic lice are thought to have been our parasitic companions for more than 10,000 years. There is paleoparasitological evidence of lice infestation throughout human history.”

Research this year revealed that there are 50 million active users on Tinder, who check their accounts on average 11 times per day and spend an average of 90 minutes per day on the app.

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