Breast milk: why has it returned?
I stopped breast-feeding my second child about 18 months ago, but recently I have noticed milk leaking from my breasts for no apparent reason. It is only a small amount, but it is now happening most days, particularly in the mornings. The health visitor told me it was likely to be a remnant of breast-feeding, but nothing similar happened after I weaned my first baby. Is this something to do with feeding more than one child?
Dr Fred Kavalier answers your health question:
Spontaneous leakage of milk from the breasts in women who are not pregnant and not breast-feeding is not normal. If you are definitely not pregnant, there are several possible explanations. Some drugs can cause milk production - the most likely ones are drugs used to treat mental illness and depression, and for high blood pressure. But there is a long list of other drugs that could be the culprit. If you are taking any medicines at all, read the package inserts to see if milk leakage - also known as galactorrhoea - is a recognised side-effect. Even some herbal remedies can cause this.If it is not a side effect of a drug, it may be caused by raised levels of the hormone prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland. A blood test can check your prolactin levels. Low thyroid hormone levels can push up prolactin levels, so get that checked too. Also, consider nipple stimulation; jogging in a loose bra, or erotic stimulation of the nipples, can stimulate milk release.
Please mail your questions for Dr Fred to He regrets that he is unable to respond personally to questions.
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