For many this 'Holy Season', with Passover beginning on March 30 and Easter on April 4, and World Healing Day scheduled for April 24, is a time for reflection, family and renewal. Regardless of one's beliefs, at one point or another many seek to answer questions about life, death and their greater purpose.
Pam Adams, a South African author, has shared with Relaxnews five select lessons from her book, Letters from Raymond to help individuals find their way regardless of their faith or reason.
With the guidance of Raymond Adams, her "soul mate" who was brutally murdered during a car-jacking, she was able to overcome tragedy and is compelled to help others.
Adams explains, "It is my hope that the 21 Universal Lessons will lead people to discover their higher self and and their own spirituality. To understand the Universal Principles of life will bring peace to a confused and embittered world."
Lesson 2: Soul awakening!
The world and humanity has reached the crossroads. For too long now mankind has been walking through life unconsciously. As we are all connected this has had a devastating impact on us, as we interact with one another, and the planet, as we destroy it through our attachment to materialism. Now is a wonderful and exciting time to awaken and feel the calling of our souls and connect with the new spiritual energy which is being released to help lift mankind's spirit into the light. We have a choice to embrace this spiritual energy or to continue suffering as a result of attachment, greed and control.
Lesson 9: Relationships provide the greatest challenges
Relationships with people are one of the biggest challenges we face on earth. The joy and suffering we experience through relationships works both ways and the lessons learnt through relationships is important for soul growth. However it is important to realize when the lesson has been learnt and when to move on. Living in a relationship consumed with negativity stunts soul growth. The ultimate desire we bring to the earth plane is the desire of a union with our soul mate!
Lesson 10: Live your life the universal way
The Universal principles provide the foundations for peace and harmony. Embracing these Universal principles provides one with stability to overcome fear and chaos. The Universal Principles opens the door to expand our own individuality because we are freed from customs and conventions. When our true individuality is expressed we can have a powerful and positive influence on everything around us.
Lesson 12: Be conscious of your thoughts
What you think is what you attract. Fear and worry set energies in motion, which erodes away the very fabric of our soul. We continually attract forces and conditions, which are linked to our own thoughts. A strong positive mind attracts strong positive elements in all things.
Lesson 14: Become a source of light
As we grow spiritually and find peace, harmony and acceptance we need to share our wisdom and understanding with those around us. By sharing through one's own experience one becomes a source of inspiration. We all have the power to be a source of light. But first one must acknowledge and recognize one's own inner light to become that source.
Letters from Raymond: a love story that reaches beyond the grave, 21 universal lessons published by Author House $14.50 (€10.83)
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