Does practicing Pilates make for better sex?

Wednesday 18 August 2010 00:00 BST
(Artsiom Kireyau)

The fitness blog SocialWorkout polled its fitness community on August 11 to see if Pilates is the answer for better sex.

Specifically the Pilates poll asked "Does Pilates have an unusually strong positive impact on sexual performance and satisfaction, or is it more or less the same as any other rigorous form of workout?"

And the blog offered these four possible answers:
 - Pilates made me one with my perineum. It's mystical.
 - Very good, but let's [not] get carried away.
 - Yoga provides a greater range of motion, and has more soul.
 - I prefer a bottle of wine and Barry White. 

The comments on the poll were varied with some talking up the ‘pelvic floor workout' benefits.

Mr. Mohawk posted, "Every partner I've had that's been, hm, enthusiastic about yoga and pilates has been absolute rubbish in bed. On top of that, like driving, pretty much everyone thinks they're good in bed. I can see how the body confidence pilates builds informs the perception of one's skills under the sheets. I can also see how that confidence can misinform said perception."

"My friends who have borne children swear by Pilates for, um, restoration. And I've known more than one over-50 woman who found it very helpful for bladder difficulties. So yeah, I think there's something to this," noted sadie.

Susanna Harwood wrote, "I think the difference needs to be noted between being a better lover & having better orgasms. Not the same thing at all...You can tone your pelvic floor & have better orgasms through either yoga (mulabanda) or through pilates, but you can still be lousy in bed."

Zuzupetals responded, "I know that in Pilates, there's a lot of talk of contracting the pelvic floor for the ladies, so you're basically doing a lot of Kegels while blasting the heck out of your core. ...But if Pilates and Yoga were sexual experiences, I would equate Pilates with the slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am approach and yoga would be the Barry White lover, complete with candlelight, soft music, the occasional aromatherapy and gentle neck rub."

A simple Google search pulls up 242,000 results with blogs, forums and tutorials touting how Pilates leads to better sex ranging from "Relight the fire in your relationship by doing Pilates with your Partner" to "The Secret Ingredients Of How to Have Better Sex Doesn't Come From A Cake Recipe," "10 Reasons Men Should Try Pilates", and even eHow offering five-part instructions on "How to Have Better Sex Using Pilates":

Here are a few Pilates workouts focusing on the pelvic floor that you may want to add to your fitness routine to see if Pilates equals better sex for you:
Vitaflow.TV via YouTube: via VideoJug:
eHow shows you how to get the right form:

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