YouTube spotlight: "The Stereotypes Song"

Friday 25 March 2011 01:00 GMT
(2011 YouTube, LLC)

March 25's viral YouTube video is from Yourfavoritemartian, the cartoon music channel of YouTube celebrity reviewer Ray William Johnson.

Titled " THE STERE0TYPES SONG," the video has attracted a massive 2,006,429 views in two days.

The video, which contains humor of an adult nature and includes the refrain "I love you more than the Japanese love tentacle porn," celebrates stereotypes of nationalities around the world.

The video is meant lightheartedly and points fun at nearly every region or nationality, including Americans ("always eating burgers"), the Middle East ("rocking burkas while riding camels") and "the crooked ass teeth of an English dude."

Having been up for only two days, the video, according to YouTube statistics, is already the most viewed of March 25 in over 30 countries and globally is the top-rated video this month.

The video is available to view at:

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