Acid attacks: How worryingly easy it is to buy corrosive fluids online

Petition calling for corrosive substances to only be sold to people with a licence

Aatif Sulleyman
Friday 14 July 2017 17:26 BST
The Prime Minister has hinted new legislation could soon be introduced
The Prime Minister has hinted new legislation could soon be introduced

Corrosive acids such as those used in last night’s attacks in London can be found and purchased online within minutes.

Googling “sulphuric acid”, for instance, instantly brings up a row of products, most of which cost less than £10, that sits right across the top of the page.

One of the first search results is described as a “high strength” product that should be “handled with extreme care as [it] can cause severe burns”.

Users are then directed to the website of the stores selling it, which include a range of well-known high street chains and online outlets, with purchases possible to complete within seconds.

MPs are urging the Government to introduce stricter rules around acid, and a petition calling for sulphuric acid to only be sold to people with a licence is gaining support from thousands of people.

Two men on mopeds carried out five acid attacks in the capital on Thursday night, spraying their victims with a corrosive liquid.

Such attacks are growing increasingly common, largely because acid is so easy to buy and, under current rules, if the police were to stop someone who was carrying acid, they would have to prove intent to cause harm.

The Prime Minister has hinted new legislation could soon be introduced.

Asked about the assaults and whether a change in sentencing guidelines was needed, Theresa May’s spokeswoman said the Prime Minister viewed the acid attack as “horrific”.

“It is already an offence to carry acid or a corrosive substance with intent to cause harm. And anyone using it can be prosecuted for pretty serious offences including ABH and GBH.

”We are working with the police to see what more we could do."

The petition was set up in the aftermath of an acid attack on Resham Khan and Jameel Muhktar on 21 June.

“It is about time that the law changes for the purchase of corrosive substances – right now you can buy it easily from any hardware store if you are 18 and over,” it says.

“Corrosive acids like sulphuric acid are very lethal and life damaging substances. You should only be allowed to purchase corrosive substances with a licence to buy.

"The person purchasing should go through checks so their details are held on a database or hold a licence.”

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