Food & Drink: Food Writer's Competition

Friday 03 September 1999 23:02 BST

ARE YOU passionate about food and desperate for the chance to write about it? Two weeks ago we launched this competition to celebrate the writing of Jeremy Round, The Independent's first food writer. This is your chance to write your recipe for success!

The brief

Write an article (1,000 words maximum) on either:

1 Food for the end of the century

2 The drink(s) for the end of the century

The prize

The winners will have their articles published in The Independent and receive an organic hamper or wine box from the FreshFood Co - Britain's first nationwide organic delivery service.

The judges

Simon Hopkinson, Simon Kelner, Caroline Stacey and Diona Gregory.

The rules

The competition is open to anyone who does not earn their living in the upper echelons of the food-writing world. Entries should be typed on one side of A4 sheets of paper, stapled together and attached to a covering note with your name, age, occupation, contact address and phone number(s). None of this information should be anywhere on the entry itself. Employees of Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd cannot enter. Closing date is noon on Tuesday 28 September 1999 at The Independent, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL marked for The Independent Food & Drink Competition. The judges' decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. IN rules apply.

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