Woman faces backlash for throwing away $1,000 worth of her sister’s food: ‘People are so self-righteous’
‘Your house guest, sister was way out of line,’ one respondent writes in the comments

A woman is being slammed for throwing away near $1,000 worth of her sister’s food because it was “unhealthy.”
In a post shared to the Reddit forum, “Am I the A**hole,” @u/Scared-Outside4725 said that because she and her sister have “opposite personalities,” they aren’t “very close.” But, the sister moved in for a week, as she received a new job opportunity.
“My mother was ecstatic that my sister might be ‘coming home finally,’” the Reddit user wrote. “She moved across the county right after college and hasn’t been back in almost 10 years.”
She detailed how having her sister stay her seemed like an opportunity to “bond or deepen [their] relationship.” However, when she came home one night, “almost all of [her] food was gone.” And, it turns out, the sister was the one who dumped it.
“I’m not even exaggerating,” the Reddit post continued. “I swear 90 per cent of my pantry was just gone. I asked my sister and she told me that she was shocked I ate anything with preservatives and ‘unnatural’ and that I was ‘poisoning my body’ so she took it upon herself to throw away EVERYTHING she deemed unhealthy.”
As a result of the sister’s actions, it looked like “someone had robbed [her] kitchen” and the homeowner asked her sibling to pay to replace everything, which she didn’t agree to.
“She dug her heels in and said that she was doing me a favour and that the way I ate was “disgusting,” she wrote. “I know I’m biassed, but my diet isn’t even crazy. It’s pretty much standard food you’d find at any grocery store.”
She kicked her sister out and told her to go stay with their parents. Their mother was “devastated” that her kids were fighting and really wanted her daughter to move back home for that job opportunity. So, the mother told the Reddit poster to apologise.
“I told my mom that if she wanted to lose not one, but both daughters then she’d keep pushing me to apologise for something I feel I have a right to be upset about,” the woman wrote. “My dad says that [the sister’s] been crying every night though, and I love my mom so much I feel like a huge AH for being stubborn about the situation.”
In an edit to the post, @u/Scared-Outside4725 said that her sister tossed nearly $1,000 worth of food, which included “dried pasta, ground beef, pre-cut veggies in a container, juice, canned soups, rice” and more.
This Reddit post has over 17,200 upvotes so far, with users in the comments noting that the sister should be the one to apologise in this situation.
“It’s interesting how your mom is trying to get you to apologise but doesn’t seem to be pulling the same thing on your sister,” one wrote.
“She can apologise to you after she pays you back for everything she threw out,” another comment reads.
Many others agreed and emphasised that the sister deserved to be thrown out of the house and should pay for the food she tossed.
“Your sister was a self righteous a**hole and was lucky she only got kicked out, I would have been tempted to call the cops on that s***!,” a commenter said.
“Who throws away someone’s food and thinks it’s a favour?” another asked. “Stand your ground, your house guest, sister was way out of line.”
Some readers claimed that the parents weren’t being fair to both daughters, one of which said: “Your parents are literally telling you that they care more about the sister who moved away than the one who stayed. Do with that what you will. Spices can be hard to find and expensive depending on your tastes, and the food alone would cost hundreds of dollars!”
The Independent has reached out to @u/Scared-Outside4725 for comment.
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