Raspberry ripple ice-cream with rose syrup

I love ice-creams that contain a fruit ripple, it is old-fashioned and nostalgic to me. To ensure an ice-cream that really ripples, make sure that both the custard and raspberry purée are well chilled.
450ml/16 fl oz double cream
150ml/1/4 pint of whole milk
1 vanilla pod, split in half lengthwise
6 organic free range eggs
120g/4oz caster sugar
2 punnets of English raspberries
120g/4oz caster sugar
A small pinch of salt
2 tbsp rose syrup
Place the cream and milk into a heavy-based pan and set over a low heat. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and add them to the pan.
Slowly bring to just under a boil, remove from the stove and allow to infuse for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and sugar together really well, then pour over the warm cream, whisk again and return to the stove on the lowest possible heat.
Stir in a figure-of- eight motion with a wooden spoon until the custard begins to thicken (this will take about 10 minutes), then immediately pour into a cool bowl. When it's cooled completely, put it into an ice-cream maker and follow the instructions.
Place the raspberries, sugar and salt into a pan over a medium heat. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the raspberries begin to ooze their juice. Then add the rose syrup.
Allow to cool, then transfer your ice-cream into a bowl and put in the fridge. Wash your ice-cream maker well, then churn the purée in it until it is well chilled and has thickened substantially. This will take around 20 minutes. Very lightly fold the chilled sorbet into the ice-cream, then keep in the freezer until ready to use – ideally the day you make it.
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