Strawberry sorbet

Serves 8

Skye Gyngell
Sunday 24 May 2009 00:00 BST
(Lisa Barber)

Icy-cold and very refreshing, this is one of the best sorbets of the summer months.

A whole lemon – skin, pith and all – is puréed along with the strawberries to keep the fruit's flavour pure, preventing the sugar content causing the finished sorbet to be sweet.

Like all home-made ice-creams and sorbets, it best eaten within a day or so as it ruins quickly.

2 punnets strawberries (400g/13oz)
A little pinch of sea salt
1 unwaxed lemon, pips removed, cut into little chunks
120g/4oz caster sugar

Hull and roughly chop the strawberries, place in a blender, along with the salt, chopped lemon and caster sugar. Purée until smooth. Now place directly into an ice-cream maker and churn for 20 minutes.

Spoon into a container and place in the freezer. If you don't own an ice-cream maker, place into a shallow container and put directly into the freezer.

Every 30 minutes or so, drag a fork through the mixture, working from the outside in. This is known as a granita and its chilly, chewy texture, though altogether different from a sorbet, is equally delicious.

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