Purée of potatoes

Serves 6 or 4 large portions

Skye Gyngell
Sunday 23 August 2009 00:00 BST

Although at the restaurant we never serve potatoes, at home it is different. My children love mashed potatoes, creamy and smooth, especially with roast chicken – it is the perfect accompaniment with which to mop up the delicious pan juices.

The variety I find best to use is Desiree – a potato that is buttery, light and creamy all at the same time. Look for potatoes that are smooth, firm and heavy for their size.

8 medium Desiree potatoes
Sea salt
300ml/10fl oz milk
60g/21/2oz unsalted butter
To finish, sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Using a small knife, peel the potatoes, removing any eyes as you go. Now cut into one-inch cubes and place in a saucepan of cold water. Add a good pinch of salt and place the saucepan over a medium heat. Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down slightly so that the water is just simmering. Cook the potatoes until the water is cloudy and the pieces of potato fall apart when gently pierced with a fork. Drain the potatoes and set aside.

Using the same saucepan, pour in the milk and add the butter. Turn the heat to low and warm the milk; once the butter has melted, return the potatoes to the pan, and mash until all the lumps are removed and the potato is completely puréed and smooth – the warm milk will make this process much easier. Season well with salt and pepper and serve alongside the chicken and vegetables.

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