Pizzette with roasted tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke and chard

Serves 4

Skye Gyngell
Sunday 16 January 2011 01:00 GMT

If you prefer you can substitute the Jerusalem artichokes with the finest possible sliced potatoes (they need not be cooked before they go in the oven). One or two very good-quality anchovies would also be good.

Four pizzette discs (see dough recipe)
500g/1lb artichokes
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
20 small ripe tomatoes
600g/1¼lb chard
100ml/3 fl oz robust extra-virgin olive oil
100g/3 oz Gorgonzola dolce

Preheat the oven to 230C/450F/Gas8.

Now wash the artichokes well under cold running water and slice into quarters. Toss with a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking tray on the middle shelf of the oven. Roast until golden-brown and tender – this will take about 35 minutes. Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, add the tomatoes.

While the artichokes are cooking, prepare the chard. Rinse well and tear the leaves from the stalks. Boil a pan of well-salted water, plunge in the chard and cook for three minutes. Drain in a colander and put in a bowl.

Pour over half the olive oil and toss together lightly using your fingers. Add the cooked vegetables from the oven and toss once more.

Once the pizzette are ready to go into the oven, slice the cheese finely and lay on the base, dividing evenly between all four.

Spoon over the warm vegetables and place on the middle shelf of the oven. Cook until the cheese is oozing and melted. This should take about 5 minutes.

Remove from the oven, place on warm plates and serve immediately.

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