Blackberries and apples are perfect partners at this time of the year and to put a twist on an old Italian classic, I thought I would replace the traditional marsala with a British tipple. Kingston Black is a delicious apple apéritif made with Kingston Black apples by Julian Temperley in Somerset (
450-500g ripe blackberries
For the zabaglione
4 medium egg yolks
5tbsp caster sugar
A third of a vanilla pod, split and the seeds scraped out
120ml Kingston Black apple apéritif
To make the zabaglione, put the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla seeds in a round-bottomed steel or Pyrex bowl (not aluminium, or it may go grey). Beat well with a whisk for 2-3 minutes, then beat in the Kingston Black. Hold the bowl with a cloth and fit it over a pan containing 3-4cm of simmering water. Whisk continuously for a few minutes until the mixture is thick and frothy. Put the blackberries in bowls or plates and pour over the warm zabaglione.
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