'Cecil’s Revenge': Norwich pub commemorates famous lion by naming a new beer after him

A pint of Cecil’s Revenge is likely to be a slightly cheaper way of raising a glass in memory

James Beeson
Monday 03 August 2015 17:21 BST

A pub in Norwich has come up with a novel way to commemorate the life of Cecil, the lion killed by a trophy hunter in Zimbabwe… by naming their new beer after the animal.

When The Fat Cat pub in Norwich asked its customers on Facebook to come up with a name for their new 5.6% hoppy beer, the name ‘Cecil’s Revenge’ was suggested in reference to the popular and now deceased lion.

(Facebook (Facebook)

The pub loved the name, and is now running a competition, also via its Facebook page, to design the pump clip for the beer, which is due to be released this week.

The Fat Cat aren’t the only company looking to cash in on Cecil’s popularity, with London based Goldgenie producing 99 gold plated smartphones with a drawing of the lion engraved on the back. The cost of one of these devices? Just a cool £1580.

A pint of Cecil’s Revenge is likely to be a slightly cheaper way of raising a glass in memory.

Cecil the Lion, before he was killed by American hunter Walter Palmer
Cecil the Lion, before he was killed by American hunter Walter Palmer (AP)

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