Here's the burger porn you've been looking for
The White House burger looks particularly challenging

A group of colleagues bored of the usual lunch options started a blog called Fat & Furious to let their surrealist burger dreams run wild - the result is a selection of buns that would punch your mouth in its face.
All are sadly inedible, heavily styled and extremely photoshopped, but this doesn't stop them looking absurdly delicious.
They might irk burger purists out there, interpolating ingredients that have no place in a traditional burger like smoked salmon, crab meat and, in one case, The White House, but the idea seems to be the wackier and more photogenic the better.
A Philly cheesesteak with a Christmas tree running through it features in one image, along with a burger made entirely from blue cheese.
Here's a selection of the most drool-worthy, find more on the blog:
The Blue

Burger d'Amour

Ocean Burger

Mystery Box Burger

Ovni Burger

Go Green Burger

Yin Yang Burger

The Burgirl

Burger Blanc sur Food Blanc

Marie Antoinette Burger

Le Divin Burger

Dr Jekyll and Mr Burger

Spicy Burger

Burger de la Renonciation


Merry Cheesemas


White House Burger

Sea, Sex and Bun

"As we were so bored of random food at lunch, we started cooking together - It soon became kind of a ritual, improvising and experimenting new ways of cooking a burger in very short lunch break," Fat & Furious told Sploid.
"It's about an hour and a half to find an idea, run to a supermarket to get everything, cook, shoot and eat. We didn't actually planned to create a website. Only after a few try, we started taking pictures in our kitchen with an iPhone and decided to put it on the internet..."
The creators use the finest ingredients to create the burgers, spending up to $70 on each one.
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