Last supper meal ideas before the 'Rapture' hits

Friday 20 May 2011 00:00 BST

Given that some believe the world is slated to end Saturday, May 21 in a spectacular event an American preacher has dubbed 'The Rapture,' here's a list of last supper meal ideas to whet your appetite and go out with a bang.

Harold Camping, leader of Family Radio Worldwide a Christian radio station in California, issued a doomsday forecast, based, he claims on biblical texts, predicting that the Rapture will begin at 6 pm PDT, in which God's elect will be beamed into Heaven. The world itself, meanwhile, is scheduled to perish five months later on October 21. Only 200 million - or three percent of the world's population - is expected to be chosen.

For the rest of the people left, here are a few last supper meal ideas inspired by celebrity chefs, as chronicled in the 2007 book, My Last Supper, photographed by Melanie Dunea.

A second, updated edition of the book My Last Supper: The Next Course, is also slated for publication in September - lucky timing if the world is due to impode on itself one month later, as some evangelical groups claim.

Tyler Florence: fried chicken

Jacques Pépin: hot dog

Gordon Ramsay: roast beef

Jamie Oliver: spaghetti and rice pudding for dessert

Wylie Dufresne: scrambled eggs, cheeseburger, steak

Lidia Bastianich: linguini and clams

Nobu Matsuhisa: 12 pieces of sushi and a cucumber roll

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