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Donald Trump orders burger with ‘half a bun’, claims Giuliani

'It’s a good way to do it'

Olivia Petter
Thursday 17 May 2018 14:24 BST

When it comes to food, the President of the United States is known for his specific - and somewhat unhealthy - tastes.

A lover of fast food, Donald Trump even has a rumoured go-to order at McDonald’s, consisting of two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish and a chocolate milkshake.

However, his current burger order may be somewhat more health-conscious, as former New York City mayor and Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has revealed that the President recently ordered his favourite dish with just half a bun.

Speaking to The Washington Post, Giuliani revealed that the duo dined together on May 6 at the president’s golf club in Virginia.

While Giuliani enjoyed a light Cobb salad, Trump ordered a well-done burger with half the bun, a choice which The Post claims was “in service to his health”.

“I do that, too, sometimes,” Giuliani said. “It’s a good way to do it,” referencing the President’s unique half-bun method.

But is the President really making a healthier choice by abolishing half of his burger bun?

"I wouldn’t say that having a burger is an overly ‘healthy’ choice anyway," explains dietitian Nichola Ludlam-Raine.

"However, what I think Trump is trying to do is lower his calorie and carbohydrate intake by eating less of the bread.

"For all I know he may have pre-diabetes or diabetes, which requires people to modify their carbohydrate intakes."

What would be even better from a health perspective, she told The Independent, would be if Trump were to choose a lunch that wasn’t based around processed red meat.

"A chicken salad sandwich or wholemeal bread would provide more nutrients, including fibre & vitamins, as well as less salt, than a hamburger," she added.

The revelations of the President's burger bun preferences come after his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, made headlines in December 2017 when an excerpt of his book Let Trump Be Trump revealed that despite Trump’s penchant for fast food, “he never ate the bread”.

This curbed Lewandowski’s concerns that the President’s eating habits might be unhealthy, telling CNN’s Alisyn Camerota at the time:

So it was really just, you know, there's a couple of fish sandwiches and a couple pieces of meat and a drink.

“And, you know? Was I concerned? No. He was so busy campaigning, we didn’t have time to sit down for a meal.”

Donald Trump 'never ate bread' while binging on fast food during election campaign

However, even Trump’s no-bread consciousness wouldn’t have saved him from the calorific contents of his McDonald’s meal, which would’ve still added up to roughly 2,400 calories without the bread.

It seems that when it comes to burger buns, the President is a creature of habit, with The New York Times reporting in 2016 that Trump would “rip the buns off his McDonald’s patties before plying the burgers with ketchup”.

He subsequently bragged to a Boston Herald columnist about the “calories you save” by doing this.

Although, his latest half-bun method reveals a change of tack.

Is it only a matter of time until the President fully embraces the starchy-goodness of bread and succumbs to eating the entirety of the bun that usually accompanies a burger? Stay tuned.

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