Turkey alternatives: Delicious recipes from gluten-free to paleo and vegan

Food is an integral part of Thanksgiving - so why not experiement a little?

Kashmira Gander
Monday 23 November 2015 17:25 GMT
The turkey doesn't have to be the main culinary attraction at Thanksgiving
The turkey doesn't have to be the main culinary attraction at Thanksgiving (Blend Images/REX Shutterstock)

Thanksgiving is an occasion centred around celebrating a feast shared between native Americans and pilgrims who had arrived in the New World from Plymouth in 1621.

So food is therefore an integral part of the day, and those with dietary restrictions - or who simply want to try something new - need not feel left out of the fun.

Here are seven delicious alternative Thanksgiving recipes for you to try.


Sumac ginger tofu with quinoa, broccoli and mushrooms.

Spice in a souk in Dubai
Spice in a souk in Dubai (DAVID EBENER/AFP/Getty Images)

Thanksgiving without turkey for vegans - both new and experienced - can be tough, while those preparing to cook for someone with such a diet can feel daunting. But similarly with turkey, a little love and attention can turn tofu from something bland into an adventurous and delicious dish.

This recipe by HealthHappyLife.com brings tofu to life with sumac, a spice often used in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking.


Roasted duck breasts with wild mushroom stuffing and red-wine sauce

(Helmut Meyer zur Capellen / imageBROKER/REX Shutterstock)

Perhaps the thought of another dry turkey sends shivers down your spine, or maybe such a large bird is too much for your guests to eat. If so, duck maintains a sense of occassion while offering a little sense of adventure. Try Martha Stewart’s duck breast recipe, which means you don’t have to prepare an entire bird.


Brussels sprouts gratin

Brussels sprouts have grown an extra 20 per cent this year
Brussels sprouts have grown an extra 20 per cent this year (PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images)

Packed with the cheese and cream that vegan recipes cannot include, a gratin is homely and indulgent. Try Once Upon a Chef’s recipe if you want a meat-free Thanksgiving.

Gluten free

Upside-down pear pudding pie


For those who are gluten intolerant Thanksgiving can become a game of navigating what they can eat, rather than an occassion during which to feast.

Unlike traditional pecan or pumpkin pies, this dessert by In My Bowl is not wreathed in wheat-filled pastry, so coeliacs can enjoy it, too.


Five ingredient, no-bake vegan French silk pie


Avoiding excessive amounts of sugar and the negative effects it can have on your body doesn’t mean you have to face a bland dessert plate on Thanksgiving.

Made with pillows of coconut whipped cream and dark chocolate, this silk pie by It's A Baking Thing is both sugar free, vegan, and won’t take up room in the already-squeezed oven.


Pumpkin pie

(Dan Kitwood/Getty Image)

Those who follow the paleo lifestyle attempt to eat what is presumed to have been consumed by early humans, and therefore exclude processed foods such as dairy products and cereals.

This can make dessert a tricky course to prepare for. But The Healthy Foodie's pumpkin recipe is not only highly traditional, but has a nut-crust base which fits with a paleo diet.

Wild Card

Turkey-shaped vanilla cake

(How to Cake It)

Stun your guests by bringing another turkey out after dinner. But this isn’t a turkey – it’s a vanilla cake with poundcake stuffing. Follow Yolanda Gampp’s recipe here.

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